The cause of all the debates and arguments over what is or is not Star Trek.. are to some degree.. a result of the legal status of current versions of Trek, ( ie, Discovery and the reboot films). Because of the split between Paramount and Viacom, neither released films nor CBS (current television rights) hold legal realm over images and content necessary to fully bring us the Star Trek that we all know and love. But it goes deeper than that. Current Trek in both mediums panders to a modern audience, which means greater emphasis on action, fights and explosions instead of story and character development. As, I suppose it must in order to gain a core audience and reap a profit. Numbers are, after all, the deciding factor in any franchises continued survival. The problem with that equation is that Star Trek.. at it's core... The FINEST and best stories of Star Trek have ALWAYS been it's characters and philosophies. Which requires a love and respect for the continuity of the franchise in all it's past incarnations. Ron Moore, who has written some of the best Star Trek episodes ever, has often stressed the problems of pleasing the fans is the vast amount of canon amassed over the years, and the difficulty of keeping up with it, and thus not pissing off the fans. This led to him praising the reboot films, stating publicly on several occasions that starting the franchise over was exactly what it needed. And while I praise Vic and company for their politics in embracing and respecting the reboots in general... and Discovery in particular.. I do not agree with them. The work these people have done with this series shows that embrace to be false. The love and care.. as well as their respect for canon shows.. and is painted with many multi-colored brush strokes.. onto every aspect of every episode. The fact that it is all done for the fans ( something that is totally absent from current professional productions).. and not for profit.. makes it all the more special. Saying that, of course.. one HAS to admit that it is not perfect, but neither was the original series.. which we all know had it's fair share of warts and lemons., most of which have grouped themselves into the third season of TOS. Which brings me to this story. The episode Turnabout Intruder ended the third.. and last season of TOS. It's story line involved the slightly insane Dr. Janice Lester switching bodies with Kirk, fueled by the motivation of her jealousy of Kirk's captaincy , and that " Your world of Starship captain's doesn't admit women " This line, in dialogue as well as story wise, has been one of things that has made that series ender seem silly and irrelevant (Shatner's hamming aside). After all.. we have seen so many females in command since that show, it was seen to be a flub, or something that must be regarded as non-canonical .I wince everytime I hear Lester utter that line. After all.. the capability of Women VS Men.. the so called "Battle of the Sexes " had been rendered pretty much moot by the late 20th century. Certainly, there would be no issue with Women being granted command of a Starship by the 23rd century ! But, Turnabout Intruder was made at a time when women were still very much in a struggle for their basic rights, and the Women's movement was largely regarded as a silly annoyance. Within the next five years.. what changes would come !.. resulting in Lester's insane motivation impossible to take seriously But hear comes James Kerwin and Vic, who have created a brilliant and entertaining episode out of a plot hole that, for decades.. made no sense, and explains Starfleet's policy. It seems a slight reason for praise.. but it's not. It shows the love that this company has for Star Trek to put a band aid on this small.. but annoying little wound that has driven fans crazy for decades. If only the same kind of love and respect was shown in the official productions today. Thank you James, and most especially, Vic. And to the fans.. if you really wanna know what Star Trek is supposed to be.. here's a modern production that proves there are still people who knows how to get it right.
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