Who Am I Who Am I Funny Answers
We bring you another exciting bible quiz question and answer titled who am I bible quiz questions and answers. Looking for who am I bible quiz for youth with each correct answer during youth program, event or meeting, or bible games for adults questions and answers, we have the questions covered here.
Each who am I quiz question comes with the correct answer and a bible verse for reference. At the end of this quiz, we will provide you with a who am I bible game pdf to print out.
Who Am I Bible Quiz Questions and Answers
Q1: I am the only one of the Lord's prophets left. Who am I?
A: Elijah – 1 Kings 18:22
Q2: I am the first king of Israel. Who am I?
A: Saul – 1 Samuel 10:24-26
Q3: I am the father of King Ahab. Who am I?
A: Omri – 1 Kings 16:29
Q4: Shem, Ham, and I are Noah's sons. Who am I?
A: Japheth – Genesis 6:10
Q5: I pleaded to the Lord to spare the lives of my cousin Lot and his family from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Who am I?
A: Abraham – Genesis 18:16-33
Q6: I am Jacob's first wife. Who am I?
A: Leah – Genesis 29:21-23
Q7: I am the bronze serpent raised by Moses in the desert. Who am I?
A: Nehushtan – 2 Kings 18:4
Q8: I was hired to curse the children of Israel but I couldn't do it. Who am I?
A: Balaam – Numbers 22
Q9: And Samuel asked him, Are these all the sons you have? There is still the youngest, Jesse replied, but he is tending the sheep. Who am I?
A: David – 1 Samuel 16:11
Q10: I asked God for wisdom. Who am I?
A: Solomon – 1 Kings 3:9
Q11: I watched something like a sheet filled with animals coming from heaven. Who am I?
A: Peter – Acts 10:11-13
Q12: I am a book in the Bible. Written in me are the words: "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Who am I?
A: Matthew – Matthew 11:28
Q13: I am the last plague of Egypt. Who am I?
A: Death of firstborns – Exodus 11:4-5
Q14: Into me, God breathed the breath of life. Who am I?
A: Nose – Genesis 2:7
Q15: I drove the peg through his temple into the ground, and he died. Who am I?
A: Jael – Judges 4:18-21
Q16: I am a city. The disciples were called Christians for the first time. Who am I?
A: Antioch – Acts 11:26
Q17: Paul thinks I am more important than any other gift the church may have. Who am I?
A: Love – 1 Corinthians 13:1-2
Q18: I am Joshua's father. Who am I?
A: Nun – Joshua 1:1
Q19: I was one of Israel's judges. I had 30 sons, who rode on 30 donkeys and had 30 cities. Who am I?
A: Jair – Judges 10:4
Q20: Commander of the army of the king of Syria, I was healed of leprosy by Prophet Elisha. Who am I?
A: Naaman – 2 Kings 5:1
Q21: I killed 1000 men with a donkey jawbone. Who am I?
A: Samson – Judges 15:15
Q22: I am a giant and was killed with a stone by a small boy. Who am I?
A: Goliath – 1 Samuel 17
Q23: I am a party and was called Passover. Who am I?
A: Feast of Unleavened Bread – Luke 22:1
Q24: I was one of Israel's judges, and I freed my people using an oxgoad. Who am I?
A: Shamgar – Judges 3:31
Q25: And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. Who am I?
A: Jesus – Matthew 16:18
Q26: Babylon's chief of the eunuchs gave me the name of Belteshazzar. Who am I?
A: Daniel – Daniel 1:7
Q27: I am a bible character who named all the animals. Who am I?
A: Adam – Genesis 2:20
Q28: I miraculously became a mother at 90 years of age. Who am I?
A: Sarah – Genesis 17:17; 21:2
Q29: I am the "City of David". Who am I?
A: Bethlehem – Luke 2:4
Q30: I am the father of Manasseh, king of Judah. Who am I?
A: Hezekiah – 2 Chronicles 32:33
Q31: I am a prophet, and I married a prostitute. Who am I?
A: Hosea – Hosea 1:2
Q32: I am one of Jesus' 12 disciples. I was also called the Zealot. Who am I?
A: Simon – Luke 6:15
Q33: My uncle is Mordecai, and I saved my people due to my faith in God. Who am I?
A: Esther – Esther 8
Q34: I am the city where Jesus died. Who am I?
A: Jerusalem – Matthew 27
Q35: I was a lying prophet. God said I would have no more descendants and I would not see the good He would do to His people. Who am I?
A: Shemaiah – Jeremiah 29:31-32
Q36: I am a book in the Bible. Written in me are the words: "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." Who am I?
A: John – John 4:24
Q37: I am the other name of Queen Esther. Who am I?
A: Hadassah – Esth 2:7
Q38: Sleep fleed from me because I was fasting. Who am I?
A: Darius – Daniel 6:18
Q39: I was a shepherdess. I met my future husband when I went to the well to give water to the sheep. Who am I?
A: Rachel – Genesis 29:9-11
Q40: I am a book in the Bible. In me, it is written that Israel had no rain for 3 months. Who am I?
A: Amos – Amos 4:7
Q41: According to the book of Proverbs, He who fears me will have life. Who am I?
A: the Lord – Prov 19:23
Q42: I came to the world to save sinners. Who am I?
A: Jesus Christ – Luke 19:10
Q43: I used a whip of cords to drive out of the temple money-changers and sellers of oxen, sheep, and pigeons in Jerusalem. Who am I?
A: Jesus – John 2:15
Q44: I am Jesse's son and I ruled over Isreal. Who am I?
A: David – 1 Samuel 16:13
Q45: I interpreted mysterious writing on King Belshazzar's wall. Who am I?
A: Daniel – Daniel 5:17
Q46: I said Jesus would be called Immanuel. Who am I?
A: Matthew – Matthew 1:23
Q47: I am known as the father of many nations. Who am I?
A: Abraham – Genesis 17:5
Q48: I am David's great grandfather. Who am I?
A: Boaz – Ruth 4
Q49: I am the first farmer. Who am I?
A: Cain – Genesis 4:2
Q50: I am the grandson of Eli; Phinehas' son. Who am I?
A: Ichabod – 1 Samuel 4:19-21
Q51: I am a bible character whom the Lord appeared to in flames of fire within a bush. Who am I?
A: Moses – Exodus 3:2
Q52: Nebuchadnezzar, made me chief prefect over all the wise men in Babylon. Who am I?
A: Daniel – Daniel 2:48
Q53: I said: "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Who am I?
A: Paul – Philippians 1:21
Q54: I freed the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt. Who am I?
A: Moses – Exodus 3:10-13
Q55: I am a prophet called mourner. Who am I?
A: Jeremiah – Jeremiah 20:14
Q56: I declared: "we bring our years to an end like a sigh." Who am I?
A: Moses – Psalms 90:9
Q57: I gave Adam the forbidden fruit. Who am I?
A: Eve – Genesis 3:6
Q58: Potiphar made me an overseer in his house. Who am I?
A: Joseph – Genesis 39:4
Q59: Abraham bought Sarah's burying place from me. Who am I?
A: The Hittites – Genesis 23:3-4
Q60: I laughed to myself and said "After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?" Who am I?
A: Sarah – Genesis 18:12
Q61: Jesus told me about the living water. Who am I?
A: The Samaritan woman – John 4:7-10
Q62: I followed the Lord wholeheartedly. Who am I?
A: Caleb – Deuteronomy 1:36
Q63: I said: "Bear one another burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ". Who am I?
A: Paul – Galatians 6:2
Q64: I am Ruth's son. Who am I?
A: Obed – Ruth 4:13-17
Q65: I was in the middle of the garden of Eden. Who am I?
A: Tree of Life – Genesis 2:9
Q66: I was thrown off a window by captain's orders, and my body was eaten by dogs. Who am I?
A: Jezebel – 2 Kings 9:30-37
Q67: I am a king and I was compared to a fox. Who am I?
A: Herod – Luke 13:32
Q68: I asked King Nebuchadnezzar some time to interpret a dream that disturbed him a lot. Who am I?
A: Daniel – Daniel 2:16
Q69: I am the daughter of Jethro, wife of Moses. Who am I?
A: Zipporah – Exodus 2:21
Q70: Cain killed me. Who am I?
A: Abel – Genesis 4:8
Q71: I went up to heaven in a whirlwind. Who am I?
A: Elijah – 2 Kings 2:11
Q72: I am John the Baptist's mother. Who am I?
A: Elizabeth – Luke 1:57-60
Q73: I am a mountain. Jesus used to come to me to pray. Who am I?
A: Mount of Olives – New Testament
Q74: One Day Jesus was walking on the water, and I wanted to do the same. Who am I?
A: Peter – Matthew 14:28-30
Q75: I am a city. Saul met Jesus on his way to the Synagogues. Who am I?
A: Damascus – Acts 9:1-6
Q76: I said: "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Who am I?
A: Jesus Christ – John 14:6
Q77: I am Saul's son, and I was David's friend. Who am I?
A: Jonathan – 1 Samuel 19:4
Q78: I am the apostle of Love. Who am I?
A: John – New Testament
Q79: I am Paul's "child in the faith" and he wrote me two letters. Who am I?
A: Timothy – 1 Tim 1:2
Q80: God chose one of my sons to be the king of Israel. Who am I?
A: Jesse – 1 Samuel 16:1
Q81: I am Mark's mother. Who am I?
A: Mary – Acts 12:12
Q82: I was a persecutor of Christians "until I saw the light" while on the road to Damascus. Who am I?
A: Saul who later became Paul – Acts 22:5-7
Q83: I am a book in the Bible. Written in me are the words: "so that the people could not distinguish the sound of the joyful shout from the sound of the people's weeping". Who am I?
A: Ezra – Ezra 3:13
Q84: I am one of Naomi's daughters-in-law. Who am I?
A: Ruth or Orpah – Ruth 1:4
Q85: I said: "I coveted no one's silver or gold or apparel". Who am I?
A: Paul – Acts 20:33
Q86: I said: "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also". Who am I?
A: Jesus Christ – Matthew 6:21
Q87: I am a king who committed suicide. Who am I?
A: Saul – 1 Samuel 31:4
Q88: I am a city. On me, Paul found an altar dedicated to the "unknown gods". Who am I?
A: Athens – Acts 17:22-23
Q89: God asked Abraham to go to the land of Moriah to offer me as a burnt offering. Who am I?
A: Isaac – Genesis 22:2
Q90: My wife Sapphira and I were killed because of a lie. Who am I?
A: Ananias – Acts 5:1-11
Q91: I am the place where God put the man and woman after creating them. Who am I?
A: Eden – Genesis 2:8
Q92: I am Samuel's mother. Who am I?
A: Hannah – 1 Samuel 1:19-20
Q93: I am a prophet, a great interpreter of dreams. I was cast into the den of lions. Who am I?
A: Daniel – Daniel 6:16
Q94: I died after my husband Ananias died because of a lie. Who am I?
A: Sapphira – Acts 5:10
Q95: I was hundred years old when Isaac my son was born. Who am I?
A: Abraham – Genesis 17:17
Q96: I am a book in the Bible. Written in me are the words: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life". Who am I?
A: John – John 3:16
Q97: When I was born I was given the name Jedidiah by Prophet Nathan. Who am I?
A: Solomon – 2 Samuel 12:24-25
Q98: I am a bible character whom the Lord sent to tell Pharoah "Let my people go". Who am I?
A: Moses – Exodus 7, 8
Q99: Trying to escape from God I boarded a ship and was thrown at sea. Who am I?
A: Jonah – Jonah 1:3-15
Q100: I was betrayed by Delilah. Who am I?
A: Samson – Judges 16:17-18
Bonus Who Am I Quiz Questions and Answers

Q101: How many demons did Jesus cast out of Mary Magdalene?
A: Seven demons
Q102: Who went to the tomb of Jesus early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, and found an empty tomb?
A: Mary Magdalene
Q103: I gave birth to Jesus Christ while I was still a virgin. Who am I?
A: Mary (mother of Jesus)
Who Am I Bible Quiz For Adults PDF

We hope that you have been blessed and learned something from our collection of who am I bible quiz questions and answers, who am I bible edition. Keep checking back for more fun Christian quiz questions and answers, as well as Which Bible Character Are You Most Like. Also, don't forget to check out our blog section for the latest frequently asked bible questions and quizzes.
See also:
- Who am I Bible riddles for adults
- 100 Fun Bible Trivia Questions For Teens (Who Am I?)
- 50 Fun Who Am I Questions For Bible Quiz
Source: https://triviafaithblog.com/who-am-i-bible-quiz-questions-and-answers/
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